
Who is supreme, Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu ?

Two major sects in Hinduism are Vaishnavism and Shaivism. Scholars and devotees from both these sects have contributed in development of Sanatan dharma, and have been living in peace and harmony every since the beginning of time. But unfortunately nowadays few of the narrow minded followers from both these sects waste their precious time in such pointless debates.   Now i’ll try to put my perspective on this with the hope of ending   this fruitless discussion once and for all. First of all before anything, we need to understand that Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are not some superheroes from your favourite cinematic universe, they are god, and there is no competition for power among gods, hence such discussions are not only useless but also adharmic . Now coming to the main topic, “who is supreme between Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu?”.   I’ll explain two such incidents from the History which might help us understanding the topic better. 1.     ...

Lesson-1: One must break his entitled mindset

As humans, no matter how much we desire from nature, we don’t deserve everything that we wish for. We naturally get what we deserve. Some people like to call it the result of their hard work and patience, while some believe it’s all gods doing. But, when we start believing that we are automatically entitled to everything, this is when we start walking all over others to get it. And this dreadful desire of ours ultimately leads us to ‘ adharma ’. Now let’s take Duryodhan for example. In Mahabharata he comes across as an envious, jealous and sinful person. If we try to understand why he was the way he was, the only reason that I can think of is his entitled mindset, he wanted everything and he thought he rightfully deserved everything. And in order to achieve all that he wished, he declared war upon his own brethren and became the main reason for all the destruction that was caused by the war. If we truly and deeply introspect ourselves, we all have a bit of Duryodhan in us. At some poin...