Lesson-1: One must break his entitled mindset
As humans, no matter how much we desire from nature, we don’t deserve everything that we wish for. We naturally get what we deserve. Some people like to call it the result of their hard work and patience, while some believe it’s all gods doing. But, when we start believing that we are automatically entitled to everything, this is when we start walking all over others to get it. And this dreadful desire of ours ultimately leads us to ‘ adharma ’. Now let’s take Duryodhan for example. In Mahabharata he comes across as an envious, jealous and sinful person. If we try to understand why he was the way he was, the only reason that I can think of is his entitled mindset, he wanted everything and he thought he rightfully deserved everything. And in order to achieve all that he wished, he declared war upon his own brethren and became the main reason for all the destruction that was caused by the war. If we truly and deeply introspect ourselves, we all have a bit of Duryodhan in us. At some poin...